TCX to GPX Converter
For Christmas 2006 I was given a Garmin Edge 205 bike oriented GPS.
With it came their Training Center software, which at the time was Windows
only. Since then they have released a version for OSX (my prefered non-server
OS). This new version will export its own TCX history files.
Now, I've used tools such as GPSBabel and the rather superb MotionBased to
extract tracks from the Edge 205 but have been a little frustrated at the
lack of GPX export from Training Center.
So, a bit of Googling later, and I find that various tools have been written
for Windows, OSX and Linux, but nothing that was a simple CLI.
Not one to turn down a challenge I decided that I'd have a go at writing my
own TCX converter - A bit of Perl and XML never frightened me :-). So for
anyone else that may want to extract GPX files from their TCX history, here's
the code :
tcx2gpx Version 1.19
- There are no limitations on use, but the usual GPL style license applies.
- Please feel free to contact me with patches/suggestions - the '-e' option
to the program will reveal my email address.
- It defaults to scanning for bike routes. Use the -? option to find out how
to change this.
- It doesn't fully work on newer TCX files in their raw state. When I wrote this I didn't use (or implement) a full XML parser, so the code made many assumptions about the XML format. The newer TCX files aren't "pretty printed", so my code barfs. To get around this I suggest using the 'xml_pp' application available from the Perl XML::Twig package - this is available under Ubuntu as 'apt-get install xml-twig-tools'. I shall look into using a proper XML tree parser in the near future so that this step isn't neccessary.
- 25th June 2008 - Fixed the lap extraction for Edge 705 tcx files - v1.19.
- 4th July 2007 - Added course extraction - v1.18.
Thanks to :
- Mario Schipflinger for pointing out that it didn't extract courses.
- Jacob Rief for pointing out that it didn't work for Edge 705 tcx files.
- Last modified: $Date: 2007/07/05 15:47:40 $